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Fan Game Project

Mid 2020 - Present

During my spare time for the past year, I have been following and watching some people known as Vtubers. These people would normally use 2D or 3D character models to represent them. As an avid fan of one of these Vtubers in particular, I decided to try making something with one of her themes in mind. 

The Vtuber, Akai Haato, aka Haachama, decided to host a horror themed contest one day, and was recruiting various works. This became the basis of this fan project.

The initial project that I submitted to the contest:

Link to Video Contest with Timestamp

At some point after the contest had ended, I decided to continue to add to this project. I worked on the art, modelling, and coding whenever I had time during my days off and whenever I finished my work for the day in QA.

A video showing what I had added to the project

Unfortunately this also eventually led to burnout and I couldn't afford to work on it all the time. Unfortunately as time went on, the break periods that I took just got longer and longer. But I do intend get back into and finishing it some day.

My Most Up to Date Version of the Game so far

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