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Continuing to Learn and Get Better

Unity Project

Solo Unity Project

A few months after graduating, I had a sudden urge to make a game. For the most part, this was for self satisfaction in that I wanted to make a game and see what would be the end result. Good or bad, I could atleast be proud of myself in creating a game that I could call my own, since it was a solo project. I decided to give myself a one year deadline and see what kind of game I would go on to make. As for deciding what genre the game would be, I thought back to how I was kind of unsatisfied with my 3rd year group project and decided to use that as an influence and make my solo project also 3D and in first person.

The game was a first person 3D puzzle game, where the objective was to get to the end of each area and try to escape with each character. There were 3 characters, each had a different ability and provided a different method to completing the puzzles for their 2 areas. (There are 4 characters if you collect all the stars in each of the areas). While there was a story to tie the characters together, it generally was not the main focus of the game. 

Character Select Koo.PNG
Koo's Power.PNG

Koo's ability gives hints on what to do next

Character Select Tzune.PNG
Tzune's Power.PNG

Tzune's ability gives her the ability to move objects

Character Select Noru.PNG
Noru's Power.PNG

Noru's ability reveals objects that can be interacted with

My main focus was of course the level/gameplay design and the programming involved to make it happen. I carefully planned out that the first area would be similar in layout for the 3 characters, as it would best show how each character would use their unique ability to finish their areas differently. While their 2nd area would be different for each and would be made with their unique ability in mind. As for the programming aspect, I decided to learn and code at the same time. That is, I would experiment with different ideas and methods to code something to see what would be the best method to go about it. While not the best method to program a game, I did not want to stop learning.

I remember looking back at some of the code for my 1st character, just as I finished my 3rd one, and noticed how I could have done some things better and more efficiently. I would then leave the code alone, as I wanted to keep both sides as a reminder of how I had improved overtime. This was not limited to code either. Since I was the only person who would work on the game, I explored making my own art, 3D models and editing free sounds to apply to the game (using Gimp, Blender and Audacity respectfully). I wanted to use each one as a learning experience.

Looking back now on the game, I can say I am proud of what I had accomplished in a year. I deepened my understanding of Unity and many other programs as well. As stressful as it was, despite having no one telling me what to do and only following my self proposed 1 year deadline, I very much enjoyed the experience.


I hope that in a few years time, when I look back on the game again, I can find more flaws with it and be frustrated with how I did some things. Because if I can do that, it will mean I have grown more experienced.

Feel free to download and play my game by clicking on the button that suits you!

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