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Model Rigging

While I have enjoyed modelling and rigging since my early university days, I have only recently been learning more about using Blender and how to rig models effectively. I also recently found that I enjoy rigging models more than making them. I will update this list as I finish making and rigging more models.

I have sorted the pictures by the dates they were roughly finished below. I have not included the models before 2018 as I intend to go back and make them better sometime in the future.

2018 - Early 2019

Scorpion Model.PNG
Scorpion posed.PNG

Scorpion-Like Insect Model Rig

mech model.png
Mech Posed.PNG

Mech Model Rig

Drone Model 1.PNG
Drone Posed 1.PNG

Soldier Drone Model Rig

Drone Model 2.PNG
Drone Posed 2.PNG

Infantry Drone Model Rig

Hooded Figure Model.PNG
Hooded Figure Posed.PNG

Cloaked Figure Model Rig

Wurm Model.PNG
Wurm Posed.PNG

Tunnel Worm Model Rig

Mid 2019

Sniper Drone.PNG
Sniper Drone Posed Use.PNG

Sniper Drone Model Rig

Spider Mech.PNG
Spider Mech Posed.PNG

Spider Mech Model Rig

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