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Roboco Game AI.PNG

Unity Projects

One of my favourite past times and hobbies and where I dedicate most of my spare time to. Below are the list of the Unity projects I have started and worked on by myself.

First Unity Game
(2017 - 2018)

My first Unity Project that I started and successfully completed. This is where I tried to showcase my first understanding of Unity and its technologies, of everything that was required to make a game.

Status :- Completed

unity monster.PNG
Akai Labyrynth.PNG

Second Unity Game (2020 - 2021)

My second Unity Project. Initially made as a fan project for someone else, I tried to learn and build upon my understanding of Unity, whilst wanting to have fun developing. A project I intend to go back and revisit, as I enjoyed working on it, but it required many existing art assets to be remade due to their low quality, on top of needing new assets as well.

Status :- Hiatus

Roboco Game Start_edited.jpg

Third Unity Game (2022 - Present)

My third Unity Project and also another fan project. Initially meant to be a game made with Unreal Engine, and later swapped to Unity,  this became my longest running project yet. Building upon what I already knew thanks to the past two projects, with this game I hope to continue learning more about various game development techniques and to finish making it in the coming years.

Status :- In Progress

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