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3D Model and VR Use

Early 2022 - Mid 2022

Recently in the past couple of months I have been enthralled by the notion of moving around in Virtual Reality (VR). Seeing videos of people moving about and interacting in large virtual worlds, made it seem like it was alot of fun. After exploring various worlds in VR and despite having 3D motion sickness, I thoroughly enjoyed my time and found it to be a very unique experience!

Eventually I then wanted my own personal avatar to further add to the experience. This also served as an excuse to learn how to create, fully rig, add physics and impliment a 3D model into a VR program, in this case, CLUSTER.

Testing my Model Animation after having applied Physics to the Clothes in Unity

Interestingly enough, I found out that implimenting my 3D model into the VR program was actually very similar to implimenting into a Unity game. As such I took some time to add more animations to the model to make it more universal for any future projects I may want to use it for.

The implimentation process in itself was not difficult. The initial setup was, however, as it required various tools, like the VRoid add on, to not only apply physics to the clothing but to also streamline the import process into CLUSTER.

Using my Model in CLUSTER


Showcasing the Emotes

While I later found out that most, if not all, my animations for the 3D model were useless on CLUSTER and could not be used, I took solace in the fact that the model and its animations could still be used in Unity for any general use as either an enemy or a player for a game. 

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